Thursday, February 14, 2008

John Cornyn on FISA

John Cornyn, one of the stupidest US Senators, adds to the false statements of Warner and Kyl. Cornyn suggests that a corporation would have to consult its lawyers before complying with Federal requests for assistance in the future if this retro-active immunity is not passed. If they'd had a warrant in the first place there'd be no need to provide for retro-active immunity and, there'd be no need to consult a lawyer. There's a truly nasty implication here, too. That the Executive Branch will violate the Constitution, again and again, and each time retroactive immunity will be provided.


Jim DeMint, behind the times

Berkeley, California has undone the work they did to remove the Marine Corps recruiting center from their town. Jim DeMint is still talking about it. The odd thing is, he brings up the food the members of the Armed Services are eating in Iraq. Doesn't he know that we are paying more per meal in Iraq than the program for organic food he criticizes in Berkeley?
