Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kyl And Warner Want to Enable Constitution Shredding

The President couldn't legally wiretap the people the phone companies wiretapped for him. He couldn't get a warrant to do it. What Senators Warner and Kyl want us to encourage is for the President to be able to ask companies to do things that the President is not allowed to do and make it OK.


Senator Whitehouse Gets Big Smile

Speaking on the idea of applying the Army Field Manual rules on interrogation to a long list of Federal agencies for the rest of FY2008 (1/3 over).

Senator Whitehouse has a graphic of the Spanish Inquisitors waterboarding people. Brilliant!


They have been [subjected]

Kit Bond, debate on the "Limit the CIA to interrogation techniques described in the Army Field Manual" amendment debate to the FISA bill. Says that only a third of the hundred or so people CIA has held "have been suh[pause] submitted to" the techniques in question. Is the implication that if we only do heinous things once in a while, it is OK?
