Wednesday, February 16, 2005

House Armed Services Committe, Today

Rep. ? ?? (D-MS) asks why we are repairing PALACES.  Notes there is an anti-IED technology, but the DoD isn't buying it.  This guy is on the ball.
Rumsfeld points to chart...
The Rep interrupts and declares that it took a year.
Fall of '04 went from 1000/wk to 100/wk.
Gen Myers points to an "overall" chart of armored vehicles in Iraq (Josh: incl. Bradley's and Tanks)

Rep J Saxton (R-NJ) takes time out to criticize the above D-MS. Asks about C-17, a plane that the US is going to continue to purchase until 2008.
No comment until imminent report is complete. My take?  The C-17 is totally overkill concerning our current demands and any demand I can forsee. 

Rep M Meehan (D-MA) asks about bringing our troops home in a way that advances our interest.  Asks about our interests in permanent bases.
Doesn't want bases characterized as "permanent"
