Saturday, March 19, 2005

Virginia Festival of Reactionary, Politics & Ecology Part 1

The introduction describes America as an "illiberal, authoritarian, militaristic democracy." 

    Geoffrey Stone speaking on the topic of "Politics & Ecology" doesn't mention environmentalism at all.  Instead, the topic is the first amendment.  The guy tries to say there is no distinction between war times and non-war times.  However, when offering examples, points to WWII and the Civil War, both of which were certainly wartime.  The Sedition Acts (1798) and Wilson's anti-sedition laws were also mentioned.  Only the most distinctly of war times.

     Geoffrey Stone is an ahistorical idiot.  He ignores Abraham Lincoln, and the numerous other critics of Polk's war, he ignores Carl Schurz, and the other critics of the Spanish-American War, when he ignorantly suggests that the non-prosection of Eugene McCarthy's anti-Vietnam stance, or Howard Dean's anti-Iraq comments, were unprecedented.
